February in the garden…
With less than two months until reopening, our green-fingered gardeners are pulling out all the stops to perfect the 2021 garden. Let’s take a look!

The pansies were the first biennials to get the ball rolling. Over the weeks, the gillyflowers, myosotis and other common daisies have followed suit along Fondation Monet’s paths. The last little bulbs have also been planted. “We are almost ready for spring!” explains Jean-Marie Avisard, Head Gardener. A few frosts, successive rainfalls and high humidity leading to some fungal diseases – on the horned pansies among others – were not enough to upset the horticultural schedule!
“We will now make use of the remaining weeks to finish preparing the gardens,” says Jean-Marie Avisard. “We are currently cleaning the gravel, particularly the gravel on the central path where the flea beetles – those pests that nibbled on our nasturtiums last year – like to lay their eggs for winter.” To combat those specific insects, a misting system will be installed along the length of the central path’s border. Because flea beetles absolutely hate moisture! “We also need to prune the rose bushes, which are set to look amazing this season, and trim some trees, particularly those close to the store.”
Each season offers something new. Did you know that landscaped shrubs will be planted to the west of Clos Normand near the glasshouses? “Until now, that area had been brightened up with rare roses and peonies. The aim is to make it more aesthetically pleasing and at the same time to hide our work tools and other pipes in the background.” And in the water garden? “Some rhododendrons were changed and shrubs planted. That is the only new thing. The aim is to never break the structure and to remain loyal to the spirit of Claude Monet!”